Doughy’s is my little Corgi. He is a Sunshine boy who loves to laugh. He follows me all day with his tongue sticking out. Sometimes I can’t help but want to put it back. I remembered how busy I was when I started raising him, and now, I can tell how he feels from the frequency of his waggly tail.
Besides buying bones to grind his teeth, I recently bought him three flavours of wet tinned food. They are Tuna & Seaweed, Tuna & Mackerel, and Tuna Fillet, all from Kakato. As he’s been eating Kakato’s Ocean Fish flavour kibble for a long time, I thought of trying out their tinned food! I’ve done some research and found that the fish they used are natural, with no preservatives added. His waggly tail was making me dizzy when he was eating the food. He’s enjoying the food so much!
Another happy time for him is when my mother visits us. Doughy usually accompanies my mum after dinner either on the balcony or on the sofa watching TV. Sometimes makes me want to put on some opera music and serve them a cup of tea.
His life is more comfortable than mine. I have to check in to work every day whereas he just enjoys himself at home!